Ok so ER was last Thursday and it went pretty well, but hurt a lot worse then I was prepared for. My clinic doesn't put you to sleep just a shot of medicine in the tush that makes you kind of loopy and sleepy, so I felt everything and I mean everything. I felt when he moved the needle in and out and immediately felt cramps when he started to drain the follicles. It felt like the end of my labor with Q and like a never ending contraction with no break in between. I gave birth without pain medicine folks and I would say this was up there with the pain of end stages of labor. It could've been because I had a few very large follicles not sure if that makes any difference, but I had a few really big ones on the right side.
Today, four days later, I'm still feeling sore and crampy. It's uncomfortable to sit down and stand up and walk around or pee or sneeze or do anything that uses my abdominal muscles. I'm pretty sure I have at least a mild case of OHSS because I really expected this to be wrapped up by Saturday, but on Saturday I was in so much pain I was crying as I went to bed. Today I'm starting to feel closer to normal (not like I have permanent severe stomach ache). I told IG that of all the things I had to go through for this IVF cycle, this part was the worst by far. Walking around in constant pain for days was not fun at all.
So where did we end up? We had 17R of those all 17 were mature and of those 13 fertilized naturally. Last fert report, which was yesterday day 3, there were (7) 8-cell grade 1, (1) 12-cell grade 1, (2) 8-cell grade 2 and (3) 4-cell grade 3 embryos. So they were all still in the game but embryologist said that grades 1 and 2 make babies so we had 10 really still in the running. They don't call on day 4 (today) because they don't even take the embryos out of the incubator, according to the embryologist the embryos "do weird things" on day 4....whatever that means. But if its better for them to stay in then I'm fine not getting a call today. I'm scheduled for a 5 day transfer tomorrow at 10:45am and am still pretty certain we will transfer 2 blasts. We talked last night about the very real possibility of twins as our outcome and are still on the same page that we are ok with the risks and life changes that would be associated with having twins. Although last night it did make me a little sad to think about the fact that twins wouldn't' be able to get as much individualized attention as Q got when he was a baby. But there is of course no guarantee that we will have twins or a singleton for that matter, but I feel good that we have so many healthy embryos still chugging away.
It's so weird to think that there are little pieces of IG and I out there in the world just waiting to grow into our miracle. It's surreal. I was talking to my mom the other day (she's been up to date on this whole journey) and she was talking to me about IG being there for the transfer and said she was happy he would be with me (of course he would be with me) because he should be there when the baby(ies) are conceived and I said mom they are already conceived, that happened the day after they were retrieved. Sometimes it feels like this whole process seems hard to comprehend for everybody.
I am getting excited for the transfer, worried about the time between transfer and testing and nervous that I went through all this and it might not work. I feel more confident since we were able to get so far with so many good quality embryos and feel lucky for that (of course I guess lots could happen between today and tomorrow). I really feel like we have a good chance of this being successful.
Oh and another note PIO shots haven't been too bad. They don't take long so it's really only like 15 secs of being uncomfortable. We are only doing 1/2ml so there isn't much there for IG to have to push in. I put an ice pack on before hand and a heating pad on afterwards and so far haven't had much soreness. It's not the most enjoyable part of my day, but it's doable so that's a relief because I was worried about how they would go.
Fingers, toes, everything crossed that things go well tomorrow and then I start my two days of bed rest and 8 days of torture till beta.