I haven't been here in a while. Honestly I've just been exhausted. On top of all this we've been super busy the past few weeks with going to my parents, planning and having Q's birthday party and getting ready to leave for vacation (this weekend yay!!). And then my boss was out for a few weeks so things at work where super busy, plus I have to make a day trip to one of our delivery centers this week so I'm extra stressed about having the time to get everything ready for vacation. Within all that I did get my CD3 testing done about a month ago at this point and everything came back.....wait for it.......normal, sigh. I know most people would be relieved to find out that everything is fine, I mean we aren't even borderline on anything we are well within range for everything, but the no explanation is really hard for me. The nurse, when she called me, told me again that she was optimistic that I would get pregnant on my own. I wish I could believe her. My period is supposed to start this weekend and my temps have been dropping over the last few days so it looks like it's going to happen. We booked our vacation in March and I never imagined that I would NOT be pregnant on vacation. At the time I couldn't even wrap my mind around the fact that I would be sitting here all these cycles later without a pregnancy.
The plan for now is to try one more month natural and then move onto clomid for my mid-September cycle, if I'm not pregnant. Because my cycles are on the shorter side I should ovulate twice in September - during the first and last weeks. I'm just really praying for a summer baby, I would be so overjoyed if I could get pregnant this fall. Outside of that plan I've also started back with yoga and upped my exercise to 3 times a week from 2. Although that'll likely change as we move into Fall and Q starts swim lessons and soccer and we get generally busier. I love being able to practice yoga again. I've been doing a hot yoga class every Friday morning and it's no joke, it's really hard and my muscles definitely need to build up a bit, but I love it. It just relaxes me and centers me and calms and I feel like I can release the whole week and prepare for a new one. I wish I could go more than once a week, but just haven't been able to find it in the schedule yet. I've also started listening to some fertility meditations that I found online. My goal for this next cycle is try and listen to one every day. I don't think there can be anything bad about focusing my thoughts and love and energy into the child that I'm trying to create and anything that helps keep me calm is always a good thing. I haven't tried acupuncture yet - I would love to try it, but I'm hesitant because of the money and trying to find time in my schedule.
I've also recently been embattled with the insurance company over my fertility coverage. This has been super stressful and honestly way more difficult that it should be. I honestly believe that they make it so hard that a person would just give up and stop fighting to correct an incorrect claim, but not me. I had to fight them for three weeks to cover my appointment with the RE as 'in-network' therefore, completing my deductible requirement and moving my coverage amount up from 60% to 85%. Let me tell you it was a battle, but it was well worth it and I'm anticipating having to fight with them this entire time because this was so difficult.
So with all that I'm just ready for my cycle to re-start and to keep moving forward. Sucks that it's going to happen next week while we're on vacation, but at least I know I can drink!
In other life related news we celebrated Q's birthday this past weekend. It's a few weeks early, but we planned it that way as we are on vacation for the next two Saturdays. It was a lot of fun, but pretty exhausting. My entire in-law family came and stayed at our house for the weekend. So from Friday to Sunday we 8 additional people and 1 additional dog in the house. It was a lot of people to cook for, keep entertained and clean up after, but it was great to get see everyone as it only really happens with IG's family once or twice a year. Q had a great time celebrating his birthday. He's been talking about it for months and was over the moon when his yellow birthday party was finally upon us.
This post is kind of mash of everything that is happening, but I guess it's fitting. We are dealing with infertility, but we keep moving forward, we celebrate birthdays and visit with family and plan and take vacations and look ahead because there is no point in looking back.
I'll leave you with a picture of Q from this weekend, which pretty accurately captures his pure birthday party joy.
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