Yesterday I finally had my monitoring appointment. I feel like from everything I've read that my appointments seem a lot less frequent then others, so it makes me nervous. So far for this cycle it's only the second time I've been, baseline was last week and then 5 days later, yesterdays appointment, I was anticipating a lot more appointments than that. Doesn't feel normal, but honestly I don't have any sense of what normal really is. Regardless, it does seem like things are moving along nicely. I was super anxious because I haven't been feeling anything in my ovaries or uterus or in that general vicinity. I haven't felt bloated or any pain or discomfort (aside from what is there from the shots). Despite not feeling anything there are a good amount follicles growing in there. RE talked through it rather quickly at the ultrasound so going from memory there were 4 or 5 follicles on the right all right around 10 and then another 3 or 4 slightly smaller than that and on the left there were 4 follicles all round 8. RE said everything looks really good, he said that having so many all around the same size indicates to him that they are healthy. Which made feel very relieved. RE told me that mine was the best scan of the morning (and then not to brag about it, but I figure I can do it here...since no one is really around anyways). He followed that up with you don't know me that well yet, but I don't say those types of things haphazardly. So I'm going to take what he says and run with it.
E2 levels came back at 180 yesterday. I was carrying around my phone all afternoon waiting for the call and then of course the one time I stepped away from my desk without it they called. Even though I wouldn't have gotten any different information had I talked to the nurse, for some reason it just makes me feel better to actually talk to them rather than listening to a voice mail. Nurse said the E2 number was really good and to continue my protocol as is (5units of Lupron & 3 vials (225IU) of Bravelle). I go back on Saturday for another E2 test and ultrasound. Right now they are anticipating a Monday or Tuesday trigger with a Wednesday or Thursday retrieval.
Even though we are moving forward and I know when next week gets here I'll feel like it happened fast, right now it still feels like it's moving so slow. I wish I was going back on Friday instead of Saturday because Saturday feels so far away. I'm guessing after that I'll be back on Monday where they will make the call to trigger that day or the day after.
In other news the weather is supposed to be really nice this weekend, which is exciting because Q loves the pool and has been talking for at least 2 months about the big pool opening. So happy that the weather will cooperate for us to go this weekend and I will be there bathing suite and all even if I'm bloated and feeling gross because the joy Q will get it from it is bigger than anything I might be going through. Also, cannot wait for the 3-day weekend, it is so unbelievably needed.
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