Monday, February 3, 2014

IUI #2.1

As planned we had IUI #2.1 on Friday morning. This weekend was also my birthday so I was busy with doing a little of all of my favorite things and haven't had a chance to update on the IUI yet. This IUI felt different than the last one, in that I woke up Friday morning feeling definite pain/discomfort in my ovaries and even radiating around through my back. I'm hoping this is a sign that our timing was good this time and hoping that was the feeling of the follicles releasing the eggs. Last time on the day of IUI I felt nothing, felt like ovulation had already past. Our counts were a bit lower, only 35mil post wash this time (we had 50mil last time), I don't remember the motility, but RE said everything was good. I did have one more follicle than I did last time so sperm was lower but targets where higher - so maybe our odds are about the same?

The actual IUI went off without issue. IG was there with me this time, first time he's been to any of my RE appointments, but since it was a weekday we were able to drop Q off at school and head there after. IG thought Dr. Williams was a little odd, which he is, but if he gets us pregnant I don't care how odd he is. Dr. Williams was giving the "guys" a pep talk while injecting them. IG thought this was very weird, but hey I'd rather have a room filled with positive energy, so I didn't mind the cheering. As before, I didn't have any cramping or discomfort related to the IUI. I did continue to have pain in my ovaries and back throughout the day, I just kept thinking that was a good sign. We also were able to have sex that night, so we got another couple million guys in there. 

Dr. Williams said if this doesn't work we will talk about what we do next, IUI or not. My RE's office only does 6 rounds of clommid (I think this is pretty standard). I've only done 5, because I only did two clomid + TI cycles before asking them if I could move onto IUI. However, my RE's office isn't good with details like that and I think they think I've already done 6 rounds of clomid. I don't have any refills on my prescription and they can't remember that I didn't follow the normal path. I'm not that worried about, because while clomid hasn't been bad for me (side effects wise) if this doesn't work, I'd rather move on to a different protocol then keep spinning our wheels on something that isn't successful. 

So I'm officially in the 2WW. Doing B/W this Friday to test progesterone and then really would be able to find out on Valentine's day. All though I think I'm AF or bust so I don't think I'll test until AF is officially, officially late which would be like 2/17 or after. I don't have any tests in the house so that helps with this goal. Like I said before if the timing was ever good for us this would be it, having the IUI on my birthday weekend and being able to end the 2WW on Valentine's day, just seems to perfect to be anything but a positive outcome. 

In the meantime I'm keeping fingers, toes and everything else crossed. 

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